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Product responsibility

Kujalan tila oy

General information

  • Livestock production in Finland is strictly controlled and regulated, production chains are traceable and transparent.
  • Finnish beef production is soy-free.
  • Socially and culturally sustainable Finnish meat production is based on family farms, small farms and security of supply thinking.
  • The rural landscape remains alive thanks to working farms, grazing animals are part of Finnish cultural history and the present day.
  • Ruminants are an important part of sustainable food production. They are able to convert vegetation into human food that is not suitable for human food as such.
  • Ruminants and their manure are an important part of the crop rotation. Environmental efficiency is increased by feeding Finnish cattle with roughage: pasture or grass fodder in the summer and silage in the winter.
  • When it comes to reducing emissions, meat companies invest in increasing energy efficiency by using, for example, solar electricity, which we produce ourselves in Kujala.
  • Other important climate measures include material efficiency and waste treatment, recycling and utilization, as well as the amount of water and wastewater.


Field farming

  • Arable farming Crop diversity, crop rotation, organic and biodiversity fields
  • Grass is a good way to produce food in areas that are otherwise unsuitable for food production. Finland has plenty of grassland, which is particularly important for beef production. As a ruminant, the cow is able to convert unfit grass feed into valuable animal products.
  • Grass pastures and grass forage production are good sinks for carbon dioxide and carbon in the soil. The carbon sequestration capacity of grass is influenced by the soil. Grassland on mineral soils acts as a carbon sink.
  • In carbon sequestration, the grass root system acts as an efficient underground “vacuum cleaner”. Carbon sequestration within the soil is important because it slows down the loss of soil carbon stocks. The effectiveness of carbon sequestration is also increased by keeping the land covered with vegetation, taking into account the specific requirements of each crop.
  • Vegetation cover reduces the decomposition of soil organic matter and further reduces carbon emissions.
  • The grass, which is important for cattle, is not ploughed in the autumn, which enhances carbon sequestration in the soil. Grasslands are an important carbon sink alongside forests.
  • Year-round vegetation cover is an important way to combat erosion and improve soil structure.
  • Perennial grassland also prevents and slows nutrient run-off into water bodies and reduces eutrophication and acidification more effectively than annual cereal crops.
  • At the same time, soils that are unsuitable for other food production can be put to good use, as most of the arable land in Finland is mainly suitable for grass and fodder crops.
  • Cattle grazing on the grasslands also maintain the traditional Finnish landscape.


  • Feeding: the feeding of our cattle is based on plans made together with ProAgria experts. Beef production is based on native grass forage, which does not compete with food crops:
    grass grows even where plants intended for human consumption do not thrive. The protein self-sufficiency of Finnish meat production is improving all the time, and the majority of feed for meat farms comes from their own fields or other domestic products. At Kujala Farm, all animal feed comes from the farm’s own fields.
  • grazing: cattle are allowed to graze on natural pasture, i.e. summer grazing on the banks, where they maintain biodiversity, clear scrub and preserve endangered habitats. Animals are allowed to lead a life that is true to their species – to eat, live, rest and roam freely – and therefore do well. Grazing also improves the health of the animals’ muscles and hooves. The calves of Kujala Farm grow up with their mothers and they can go out together all year round in our yard paddock
  • Medication: we do not medicate animals to be on the safe side or to promote growth, but only when necessary and on an individual basis to treat disease. Medications will be determined by your veterinarian.
  • breeding: a healthy and prosperous herd is the main breeding objective of Kujala Farm. The meat-producing characteristics only come after these breeding values. At Kujala Farm we have a crossbred herd of meat cattle with a very broad genetic heritage, which means that there are very few hereditary diseases.
  • transport and slaughter of animals: our cattle are slaughtered at the nearest slaughterhouse in Viskaali, Muhoksi. Animal transport conditions are good and slaughter is carried out properly The slaughterhouse operates in a responsible manner.



  • Natural pastureprovides both landscape and biodiversity benefits, meaning that it has a high landscape value. Grazing in the wild is always purposeful. The aim of managing areas outside arable land is to increase and maintain biodiversity, to manage the landscape or to control invasive species. In addition, grazing provides recreational values and experiences for residents. Goal-oriented care also means well-planned care, where the goals set for the development of each area are achieved.
  • Natural grasslands are true biodiversity hotspots, as their vegetation structure and natural mosaic contribute to biodiversity.
  • Natural grasslands are rich in biodiversity and can even harbour endangered species. If the natural pasture is adjacent to the field, pollinators and other beneficial insects that visit the field from the natural pasture will also benefit the crop.
  • Natural pastures attract more plant, fungal, insect and bird species to the agricultural environment, as they provide a wide variety of habitats for different species. The more species there are in the agricultural environment, the better the farm and its environment as a whole will do. When there are many species, various plant diseases and pests have more natural enemies.
  • Animal dung piles are home to a wide variety of insects that feed predators, small mammals and birds such as starlings and swallows. Manure increases the activity of the soil organisms in the pasture and the diverse disperser organisms fight parasites.


  • Responsibly and sustainably produced food, including meat, is sustainable ecologically, economically, socially and culturally.
  • Responsible meat is produced in a way that preserves the biodiversity of the surrounding nature, and meat production is adapted to the sufficiency of natural resources.
  • Material efficiency is an important part of the circular economy. In meat businesses, material efficiency means, for example, using the whole animal carcass and its parts, developing packaging and packaging materials, and minimising food waste. Finnish meat production is mainly contract production, where supply and demand meet as well as possible and losses are reduced.
  • Finnish meat is produced responsibly, taking into account not only environmental issues, but also working conditions, food safety, the use of antibiotics, animal health and welfare.
  • Meat production converts biomass grown in fields into valuable protein
  • Meat products play an important role in nutrition, food culture and rural vitality in Finland.
  • The Hyvää Suomesta label on the side of the meat packet indicates that the meat is of Finnish origin and therefore a sign of a more responsible choice.
  • Responsible meat is produced in a way that preserves the biodiversity of the surrounding nature, and meat production is adapted to the sufficiency of natural resources.
  • Minimalist use of additives; no industrial additives, only natural ones

For us, sustainability means, among other things, that our production takes into account the climate, the environment and biodiversity.