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Natural grazing can be carried out in both urban and rural areas. Animals are efficient and environmentally friendly stewards of nature and the landscape. Grazing is usually inexpensive and the benefits it provides are valuable to nature. At a time when all traditional biotopes are under threat, contractual grazing is an important means of cooperation in the management of valuable areas and the development of new grazing areas. Grazing in the wild is always purposeful. The aim of managing areas outside arable land is to increase and maintain biodiversity, to manage the landscape or to control invasive species. In addition, grazing provides recreational values and experiences for residents. Goal-oriented care also means well-planned care, where the goals set for the development of each area are achieved.


The benefits of grazing for biodiversity

  • grazing increases the brightness and warmth of the growing site and reduces the nutrient content of the soil
  • add insects and fungi that live on animal dung
  • Exposed ground creates new habitats for insects in parched places
  • rotting wood from natural pastures is valuable for pollinators and birds
  • the underground diversity of long-grazed traditional biotopes is abundant
  • long-uncultivated natural pastures bind carbon in their root system
  • grazing preserves valuable traditional biotopes and endangered species of valuable meadows
  • grazing prevents harmful alien species such as lupine and giant balsam
  • low-growing and low-nutrient meadow plant species benefit from grazing
  • cattle trampling exposes the soil surface, which facilitates the germination of seeds of desirable plant species


Grazing takes care of the landscape

  • large areas can be treated
  • rocky, steep or damp sites can be treated, which would otherwise be impossible
  • grazing keeps the cultural landscape open and opens up views
  • the archaeological sites remain open and maintained
  • grazing is a living cultural heritage
  • traditional biotopes and natural pastures are the highlights of the landscape


The benefits of grazing for humans

  • grazing sites can be used in environmental breeding
  • animals produce experiences and well-being
  • ecosystem services such as recreational use and landscape aesthetics


The benefits of grazing for grazing animals

  • opportunity for species-appropriate behavior
  • natural pasture is a good sleeping and walking platform
  • hoof health and muscle condition improves
  • the pasture has plenty of natural light, fresh air and space
  • grazing provides animals with good conditions for managing social relationships and herd behavior